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- Raymond L. Weil
The Originator Wars Page 7
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Page 7
“By then the defense stations will be finished,” said Ariel. “Dark energy cannons are also being added to all four Dyson Spheres as well as the other Originator structures here at the Hub. We also have tens of thousands of warships which can help to repel any attack.”
“Admiral, we just received a message from Commander Zafron,” reported Lieutenant Lantz. “They have located and destroyed a major base of the Eternals in the Median Galaxy. He believes it was one of their primary ship construction facilities. He’s on his way to the Stralon Star Cluster to continue his campaign against the Eternals.”
Jeremy nodded. This was part of his plan to force the Eternals to focus more on defending their empire rather than attacking Originator space. Once the Federation crews arrived and went through training on the new heavy dreadnaughts, he would be sending several more raiding fleets into Eternal space. However, he did need to decide what to do about the Eternal fleet that had attacked and destroyed the fleet base in Galaxy X-257. Jeremy wondered it the Eternals were using the same strategy he was.
Thinking for a minute he decided it might be best to send Admiral Mann and her fleet out to handle the situation. It would take them weeks to reach that remote part of Originator space, but he couldn’t allow an Eternal fleet to run rampant over the region. New fleet bases would have to be built to replace any the Eternals destroyed. He would speak to Councilor Bartoll about sending some construction ships from the nearest Dyson Sphere to begin rebuilding the fleet base in Galaxy X-257, only this time he would suggest they build four and all would have dark energy cannons. Jeremy had gone on a tour of a nearby fleet base and been pleasantly surprised at how powerful they were. The bases would be very useful in the war against the Eternals. They just needed to be updated to the most recent specifications. He also wanted the fleet bases to start sending out small patrols to search out their regions of space for any Eternal activity.
“Lieutenant Lantz, contact Admiral Mann and have her come over to the Avenger. I have a mission for her. Also contact Alton Admiral Lukel. I need to speak with him as well.”
Jeremy leaned back in his command chair. It had been months since the battle at the Lost Originators’ star cluster. During that time all the Dyson Spheres’ shipyards had been operating around the clock building new warships. In hundreds of dead star systems, massive mining operations had been set up to furnish the raw materials needed by the Dyson Spheres. Jeremy had a massive fleet waiting to be deployed; he just needed the command crews for the heavy dreadnaughts and he could begin taking the war to the Eternals.
Kelsey and Katie were busy at the Tower working in the large office provided them by the Originators to design their new super exploration dreadnaught. There were a number of Originator AIs present as well as several Altons and even a few Originators. All were working on different sections of the ship.
Kelsey was working with Nomar Krill who was an Originator well versed in antimatter power systems as well as other Originator technology. Around the room were numerous large viewscreens showing various sections of the planned ship. There were a million items that needed to be taken care of. Kelsey knew it would have been impossible without the aid of everyone who was involved with the project. There were nearly one hundred Altons, Humans, Originator AIs, and Originators helping with the ship design.
“The planned power system should be sufficient for all of the ship’s needs,” Nomar said as he studied a detailed schematic of the ship’s planned antimatter chambers. “However, in the central section of the ship where it’s designed to survive in case of a catastrophe we have a small fusion reactor. I would recommend changing that to an antimatter chamber instead.”
“Why an antimatter chamber?” asked Kelsey with a frown. “We decided on a fusion reactor because it’s much smaller.”
“I have spoken to several of the engineers we have recently awoken,” Nomar replied. “I believe we can design a much smaller chamber which will provide three times the power output for that section than the fusion reactor. It would allow us to generate a triplex energy shield if needed.”
Kelsey was pleased to hear this. Anything they could do to make the center section safer where their families were going to be sounded fine with her.
“Kelsey,” said Katie with a strange look on her face. “I think we need to go to the medical center.”
Kelsey glanced over at Katie with an inquiring look on her face. “Are you not feeling well?”
“She’s going into labor,” said Ariel suddenly appearing between the two women. “The babies are coming early.”
Standing up Kelsey rushed to Katie’s side. “Let’s go. Ariel, notify Kevin, Angela, and Jeremy.” They had all made plans to be present at the birth of their children.
Ariel let out a deep sigh. “I wish Clarissa was here.”
“You can tell her all about it later,” Katie said as she moaned and bent over with pain. “I think we’d better go.”
Kelsey took Katie’s arm and headed toward the door. “Ariel, make sure a vehicle is waiting for us.”
“Already taken care of,” replied Ariel.
On board the Avenger, Rear Admiral Hailey Mann was listening as Fleet Admiral Strong informed her of the mission he was sending her on.
“This Eternal fleet consists of about twelve thousand of their battlecruisers,” Jeremy explained. “We believe it’s going to attack more of our galaxies that don’t contain a Dyson Sphere. If the fleet bases were fully updated with the new dark energy cannons, they might be able to hold with minimal losses. As it is they have their fleets and their standard weapons.”
“Haven’t they been updated somewhat?” asked Hailey.
Ariel nodded. “Yes, the fleet bases all have the new triplex energy screens and their battlecruisers have some updates. A few of them even have some of the new battlecruisers which have come out of their construction yards. However, we’re talking about a large Eternal fleet. The firepower it can bring to bear is considerable.”
Rear Admiral Mann’s eyes narrowed. “How large of a fleet am I going to take?”
“Two fleets,” Jeremy answered. “Admiral Lukel will be going as well.”
“Will he be the senior officer?” asked Hailey.
Jeremy shook his head. “No, you have more combat experience and he has agreed to follow your command. Both fleets will have two hundred dreadnaughts and six thousand of the new battlecruisers.”
This seemed to satisfy Hailey. “When do we leave?”
“As soon as your fleets are ready,” replied Jeremy. “We expect the Eternals to hit the fleet bases in Galaxy X-268 shortly. There are only four in that galaxy. We have contacted the nearest Dyson Sphere and ordered them to send reinforcing fleets to all four of the fleet bases.”
Rear Admiral Mann looked over at Ariel. “How long will it take us to get there?”
“Slightly less than four weeks,” Ariel replied. “Galaxy X-268 is on the far end of Originator space away from the Hub.”
“Will the fleet bases be able to hold out that long?”
Jeremy let out a deep breath. “We don’t know. They’re too far apart to really support one another and I’m hesitant to order any more ships from the nearest Dyson Sphere. This could always be a trick to get us to do just that.”
Hailey frowned. “There will be no Accelerator Ring there for us to return by.”
“No,” Jeremy replied. “When it’s time for you to return take your fleets to the nearest galaxy with a Dyson Sphere. You can use an Accelerator Ring there to return to the Hub.”
“I’d better make sure all of our ships are well supplied,” said Hailey.
“If you run short of anything we can send supplies from one of the fleet bases or the nearest Dyson Sphere.”
Jeremy wasn’t pleased to be sending Rear Admiral Mann and Admiral Lukel so far away. It meant those two fleets would be too far away if something drastic happened anywhere else. He was still concerned the Eternals mi
ght return to Galaxy X-938 and try to conquer the Dyson Sphere in that galaxy; they had already made several attempts. There was currently a large fleet at the Dyson Sphere under the command of Admiral Cross just in case the Eternals returned.
Ariel listened for a few more minutes as Jeremy and Hailey finished the necessary plans to deploy the two fleets. When both were satisfied with the arrangements, Hailey left the Command Center to go to her flagship, the heavy dreadnaught Victory, to get her fleet ready.
“Jeremy, we need to get down to the surface immediately.”
Jeremy looked over at Ariel, his eyes narrowing. “I still have a few more things to do here yet.”
“It will have to wait. Kevin’s going to need your support.”
Jeremy’s eyes widened in understanding. “Katie’s gone into labor!”
Ariel nodded. “Yes, it will still be a few hours before the babies are born. Kelsey and Angela are already there and Kevin will be in a few more minutes. I have our shuttle ready in the flight bay. I’ve been talking to Kelsey and Katie using one of my holograms.”
“Commander Malen, if Rear Admiral Mann or Admiral Lukel needs anything let me know.”
Kyla nodded. “No problem. Now you’d better get to Kevin before he passes out from the stress.”
Laughing, Jeremy nodded. “Let’s go, Ariel.”
Ariel felt excited. More children were about to be born to the Special Five.
Kelsey was in the waiting room watching as Kevin paced back and forth.
“What’s taking so long?” He stopped, looking at Kelsey expecting an answer.
“The babies will be here when they’re ready,” Angela said grinning.
Jeremy’s on his way,” announced Ariel. She was still present in her holographic form. She was not going to miss the birth of the next special children. She was recording everything for Clarissa.
Kelsey tried to relax which was difficult. She was nearly nine months pregnant and getting comfortable was next to impossible. Taking a deep breath, she looked at the door to the waiting room. She hoped Jeremy made it in time.
Rear Admiral Mann was busy getting her fleet lined up. Many of the ships were the same ones which had been with her at the battle in the Lost Originators’ star cluster. Her fleet consisted of two hundred of the heavy dreadnaughts and six thousand of the new and larger Originator battlecruisers. All of the battlecruisers were commanded by military AIs. Unfortunately most were new with little or no battle experience.
“I have the course computed to Galaxy X-268,” reported Caria. Caria was an Originator AI and the ship’s helm officer.
“At least it will be more balanced this time,” said Commander Erick Sutherland. “We’ll be pretty evenly matched and with the new energy shields and more powerful weapons we should be able to handle this Eternal fleet.”
Hailey nodded. “Do all of the dreadnaughts have full loads of the defense globes?”
“Yes,” answered Sutherland. “Eighty percent are the normal defense globes and 20 percent are the larger modified ones.” The modified ones had a 400-megaton dark matter warhead, a stronger defensive shield, and a more powerful gravity drive.
“How long until all ships are fully supplied? We may be gone for a few months or longer.”
“In twenty hours all supplies will be on board as well as extra dark matter missiles.”
“I wish all of our dreadnaughts had dark energy cannons.” Unfortunately only her flagship had the new weapon. Her dreadnaughts had been scheduled for the upgrade in another few weeks.
“Admiral Lukel reports he can be ready to depart in twenty-four hours,” said Lieutenant Denise Sparks from Communications.
“Then let’s make it so,” commanded Hailey. It looked as if they were going to be fighting the Eternals again. She just wished it wasn’t going to take four weeks to get there. A lot could happen in that time.
Jeremy and Ariel reached the waiting room. Upon entering Ariel’s hologram vanished. “Are we in time?”
Kelsey came over and hugged Jeremy. “Yes, Kevin just went into the delivery room.”
“I guess we’ll know soon if they’re boys or girls,” said Angela. Katie had wanted it to be a surprise.
Brace came hurrying in. “Have the babies been born yet?”
“No, silly,” said Angela, indicating for him to sit down next to her. “Have a seat; this may take awhile.”
“Where’s Clair?”
“At the daycare in the Tower. She’s fine.”
For the next hour they waited and then a beaming Kevin came out of the delivery room. “A boy and a girl!” he announced excitedly. “Katie’s doing fine.”
Jeremy walked over and slapped Kevin on the back. “I thought you were afraid to have twins.”
“I was,” Kevin admitted sheepishly. “But after seeing those two helpless babies, I realized how wrong I was. I think I’m ready to be a father.”
“Names!” said Ariel, striding up to Kevin. “What are the names so I can send a message to Clarissa?”
“Not yet,” replied Kevin. “Katie and I are still trying to decide between a couple.”
Kelsey walked up looking at Kevin. “Don’t wait too long.” She then looked over at Angela. “Let’s go to the nursery so we can see the babies when they bring them in.”
The two girls hurriedly left, talking excitedly.
Ariel was smiling broadly; the next two special children had been born. Soon Kelsey and Angela would have theirs as well. That would make five special children with possibly more on the way someday. Ariel knew she and Clarissa were going to have their work cut out for them. The children of the Special Five would be raised like no others. Their education and training would be the best possible. Ariel suspected someday the children, when they became adults, would play an important role in the war against the Eternals.
The Dominator and her fleet moved stealthily through the Stralon Star Cluster. They were taking care to avoid concentrations of Eternal vessels. The sensors on the Dominator were detecting a number of convoys under Eternal escort moving through the star cluster on their way to various destinations.
“We’re nearing the inhabited planet Fleet Admiral Strong first detected,” reported Captain Grayson.
On the tactical display, the fourteen planets of the star system became visible. Numerous ships moved about the system. Commander Zafron knew the system held a massive mining operation.
“There are several large mining operations ongoing,” reported Grayson as he studied the data on his sensors. “The system has a significant asteroid field, and there are a number of large mining operations on several of the bigger planetoids. The same is occurring on a number of the moons of the outer planets. There are also four space stations in orbit above planet five, two large and two small. I’m also picking up about four hundred ships in the system. Most are ore carriers or mining ships.”
“Just as in Fleet Admiral Strong’s report,” said Kazak approvingly.
On one of the viewscreens, the inhabited planet appeared. Its atmosphere was hazy and dull because of all of the pollution being generated from surface factories. Commander Zafron knew the planet held a large population though not as big as it had in the past. The Eternals had used nuclear bombardment to reduce it.
“How many Eternal warships are we detecting?”
“Twenty-three,” reported Captain Grayson.
“Kazak, dispatch two dreadnaughts to each of those warships and annihilate them.”
Commander Zafron leaned back in his command chair as the designated dreadnaughts accelerated toward their targets. Upon arrival, they dropped their stealth fields and blew the unsuspecting Eternal battlecruisers apart using dark matter missiles. In less than twenty seconds all twenty-three Eternal vessels were off the tactical display.
“Put the fleet into orbit around the planet,” ordered Zafron. �
�Let’s see what we can do about freeing them from the Eternals.”
For two days the Dominator and her fleet orbited the planet. Attempts at communication with the planet’s inhabitants were proving to be futile and aggravating. The inhabitants insisted they were better off under Eternal rule and someday the Eternals would lift them to new heights of civilization. They were also demanding Commander Zafron take his fleet and leave before the Eternals returned and took out their anger on the inhabitants of the system.
“It’s useless,” said Kazak, looking toward Commander Zafron. “The Eternals have brainwashed the inhabitants of this planet into nearly worshiping them. We don’t dare take out the orbital stations or any of the mining operations. The inhabitants are correct; the Eternals might retaliate against the planet. Those mines and the factories on the surface are the only reason the Eternals are allowing this planet and probably many others to exist.”
“A Catch-22,” said Captain Grayson from Communications. “We’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t. There is no right decision in this situation.”
Commander Zafron nodded. “I fear you’re right. While it is tempting to take out all of the mining and industrial operations in this system, it will damage the Eternals little considering the vast resources at their disposal. All we would do would endanger the inhabitants of this system, and that is not why we’re here.”
“We’re better off following the convoys and annihilating any Eternal bases or shipyards they lead us to,” said Kazak. “By concentrating on military targets, we do not jeopardize any of the inhabitants of this galaxy.”
“Do you suppose all the planets controlled by the Eternals worship them like this system does?” asked Captain Grayson.
“Perhaps,” Commander Zafron said. If they did that posed a major problem. It indicated it would be nearly impossible to free any galaxy the Eternals controlled, particularly if sufficient time had passed to indoctrinate the civilized planets to thinking highly of the Eternals. “This is important information to take back to Fleet Admiral Strong and Councilor Bartoll. We must leave this star cluster and investigate a few more worlds. We need to discover if the entire galaxy believes as this planet does.”